20060808 ACS (B) National Day Parade Guard of Honour and Chief of Navy as Guest of Honour

Singapore's 41st National Day has come and gone. What will most of us remember in the years and decades to come? Probably the big spectacular bash at the National Stadium - the final one before they tear it down to make way for a modern Sports Hub.
Yet, while the nation focuses on the big bash at Kallang, schools around the country plan to celebrate modestly and with dignity - remembering our short history, the toils and sweats of our forefathers that have given us the success of today. On August 08, 2006 - ACS (Barker Road) did the same with NCC (Sea) leading the charge.
In the years to come, the cadets from ACS (B) will remember this day for the various honours that they have received - not in terms of awards or specific achievements, but because NCC (Sea) was chosen as the UG (Uniformed Group) Guard of Honour. The Parade Commander was also to be a Senior (Part D cadet) from NCC (Sea) - MSG Goh Xiang Tian.
To make things even more significant was that the current Chief of Navy - RADM Ronnie Tay - was the Guest of Honour for the event held at Barker Road.
How appropriate for the Sea cadets to be in full GOH regalia honouring the Chief of Navy - who is an ACS Old Boy, and an ex-NCC cadet!
It was a beautiful morning - a major storm has passed several hours prior - cool and cloudy, a perfect day for a parade! The cadets from the supporting contingent formed up and the Guard of Honour contingent marched in with their AR15 and chromed bayonets to the tunes played by the BB band.
The parade itself was over quickly and guests were invited to the Pei Hwa Library for refreshments. At the reception, parents of the Sea cadets had an opportunity to meet RADM Ronnie Tay.
After the reception, the Sea cadets were given another honour - a chance to take a group picture with Chief of Navy! So in the years to come - some people will remember Apache helicopters and major fireworks, but there will be a group that will remember the day they were in the presence of the Chief of Navy!
Link to the speech the Chief of Navy gave on that day - SPEECH.
Here is a link to some more photos:
ACS(B) 41st National Day Celebration with NCC (Sea) as GOH
(all pictures provided by ACS (B) )
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